Meet the Authors
Olivia (5 years old at the time) told her mother, Siobhan, she wanted to write a book. After a lot of thought, Olivia decided the book would be based on 'Mommy and me no-phone playtime' an activity they started just a few weeks earlier.
Like your average family, Olivia and her mommy played together regularly but there was always a distraction. Trying to balance work, grocery shopping, schedules, and more, Siobhan found herself head-down in her phone.
No-phone playtime is ten to twenty minutes of her undivided attention-together time. 'We really connected and laughed during this time. Without realizing it, we were growing closer and because of this, things that were usually challenging (bedtime, time to leave the house, etc) became so much easier. We became a team.'
Knowing this topic would be relatable to so many other families they set out on their self-publishing journey.